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Stol thermal
Производитель: Олегия
Today zavedenyya Many socio nutrition yspolzuyut teplovыe stolы. Online submityaet is zakrыtuyu cabi..
Folding table for heating caramel
Производитель: Олегия
Preparation of caramel products time-consuming process, which will require a lot of equipment and ef..
Table of heat to heat the caramel
Производитель: Олегия
Preparation of caramel products time-consuming process, which will require a lot of equipment and ef..

Appointment thermal tables

Thermal table can be attributed to equipment for dispensing, regardless, he is on a kitchen. The main task that performs a thermal table - ware is heated separately or together with the dishes to the optimal flow temperature. This temperature is in the range from +35 to + 90 ° C. Today, many enterprises throughout Ukraine have been using this table. You can use it as normal, and in a professional kitchen. In the first case, the top cover can be used simply as an ordinary work surface. If you use this table to line the upper surface of the distribution can be used as counter. With the help of the heat of the table, you can save a large amount, so necessary for the kitchen space.

The design of the heat for heating table ware

The entire structure is made of stainless steel, the surface of which is cleaned without any problems. Inside the cabinet there is a special unit with heating elements. When tasks required temperature, its further maintenance is performed automatically by the controller. Inside the heat of the table as the shelves are arranged on that fact and all the dishes set.

Design features:

  1. Screw support can be adjusted in height;
  2. The presence of swinging or sliding doors, depending on the customer's requirements;
  3. The presence of wall boards 50 mm;
  4. The feet are special rubber tips to prevent damage to the floor.

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