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Summer is in full swing. Each of us is in a hurry to combine business with pleasure: relax in nature and taste shish-kebabs. For cooking tasty and appetizing meat on fire, you need to get a good brazier. We decided to help you with choosing this device and prepared this article for you. Read, learn and "shake your head"!
What are the braziers?
The brazier is a metal rectangular box on legs. Yes, you are absolutly right! All ingenious is simple. However, people like to fantasize, and also, to improve the world around them. This fate touched the brazier. Its form has changed, changed and will change. Only the content remains the same.
First, there are mangas:
• stationary;
• mobile;
• Portable.
Stationary "brazier" is characterized by a massive construction, which is ..
An industrial refrigerating chamber is one of the most important inventions that mankind has come up with. It is designed to store food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, fur products, flowers and seeds. Such equipment is indispensable in trade enterprises and catering establishments.
The choice of an industrial refrigerating chamber is a responsible and complex business. Mistakes should not be here. Therefore, to facilitate your fate and protect you from "failure", we have prepared this article. Interesting tips, little tricks and tips are waiting for you. Enjoy reading!
Types of refrigerating chambers
Let's start with the fact that refrigerating chambers are different, they are very different ... They differ not only in price, but also in terms of temperature, purpose, material of man ..
Electric bread slicers are very important in any professional kitchen. Without it, it is not possible to cut a lot of bread quickly and beautifully. Consequently, most catering establishments try to acquire such an adaptation. To correctly choose this equipment and not regret what was done, read this article. The maximum of useful information and advice of the best specialists are waiting for you!
Types of industrial bread
Bread cutters, which are used for industrial purposes, are divided into two types:
Floor aggregates are characterized by high performance. They are used in bakeries, large production canteens and buffets, as well as, restaurant chains. This
equipment can cut about 1300 loaves per hour.
Benchtop bread cutters are designed fo ..
Pizza is a treat everyone likes. Crispy cake, juicy filling, amazing aroma and taste - how can you refuse such ?! The popularity of this dish is growing every day. Therefore, it is a sin not to take advantage of the current situation. You need only a huge desire and a little money to open a lucrative pizzeria.
So, take a pen, paper and write down the advice that we now kindly provide. Well, what are you ready for? Then, let's begin.
Develop an action plan and choose the format of the institution
Initially, let's define the format of the institution. What will it be? An Italian restaurant with a decent menu, a pizza bar, a pizzeria on a food court or just a pizza delivery? Just want to warn that the most expensive enterprise is a restaurant. To open such an institution, it will tak ..
How to choose the right mixer for the kitchen? What should I look for first? Which crane will last for years and will cope with its duties 100%?
That you could find answers to these questions, we have prepared this article. Sit back, read and "shake your head"!
We choose the material of the mixer
The vast majority of kitchen faucets are made of brass. The only difference is that this material is covered. Most often the decorative treatment of a brass mixer is made of chrome, enamel, bronze or nickel. The most durable and durable are cranes with chrome trim. Only they have one minus. On these products, fingerprints, cooking stains and other contaminants are very noticeable. "Bronze plumbing" - reliable, but not resistant to chips and scratches. And here, the taps covered with nicke ..
Fast-food restaurant is profitable and profitable!
Everything from small to great, are customers of various fast food outlets. Schoolchildren, students, parents with children, as well as workers of all kinds of enterprises, at least once in their lives, tried tasty and satisfying fast food food. Therefore, the demand for this product - was, is and will be.
It all starts with the idea ...
Before you sit down to consider your business plan, decide on the format of the institution. What will it be? Enterprise stationary type or mobile. Consider, "fast food on wheels" - an excellent option for beginners. It does not require large investments. Maneuverability, quick payback and simplicity of organization are the main advantages of this outlet.
A stationary fast-food restaurant (pizzer ..
The juicer is an indispensable unit in a professional kitchen. Of course ... You can not argue with this. After all, who does not like fresh fresh ?! Such a drink not only adds strength, quenches thirst, but will please the taste buds of the most capricious gourmet. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the selection of this equipment carefully. So, to get the most benefit from buying a juicer, pay attention to the following characteristics:
type of equipment;
housing material and mesh;
number of speeds;
juice tank;
additional parameters.
Type of juicer
The first thing to consider when purchasing a juicer is its "purpose" What, were you surprised? It's not worth it. Even this technique has its own mission and is far from alone ...
Here, for example: a citrus juice ..
What is a split system? Why is it needed? What advantages and disadvantages does it have?
Dear readers, now we will try to give clear and clear answers to all these, and not just these, questions. Sit back, relax and do not get distracted. You are ready? Then, we begin!
The split system is a conventional air conditioner, which consists of two parts: an internal (evaporator) and an external (compressor-condenser). These two parts are connected together by means of electric wires and copper pipes. The evaporator is placed indoors. It contains an air filter, coil and fan. The external unit of the air conditioner (compressor and condenser) is installed from the outside. In the compressor there is freon. It circulates through copper pipes and cools the air that is fed into the evaporator (i ..
So, you buy your enterprise Refrigeration equipment and tochnee, morozylnыy chest. As Vы think something on Wikipedia at Nuzhny Select Choice эtoho unit? Well, of course! Pokupaya Business look upon such installation in both. Therefore, Avto Vы prevented errors in the data actually, We podhotovyly эtu article.
Read, vnymayte and shakes on mustache!
Morozylnыe chests - is equipment, kotoroe prednaznacheno for dlytelnoho DIFFERENT storage or demonstration products. THEY javljajutsja pryvыchnoy detalyu of any trade or establishments of public catering. Usually, Data rabotayut installation in temperature conditions from -24 to -9 ° C. But, suschestvuyut Such nyzkotemperaturnыe chests, kotoryya "morozyat not in a childish" (to -43ºS). Funktsyonalnost, ease of operation and mobylnost - vesom ..
Dear readers, now you will witness an interesting duel between the induction and electric stove. This battle will reveal to us the bare truth about which cooking surface is better. So, let's get started ...
First in the ring comes the traditional electric stove. It is known to us since the distant XIX century. At that time it was a rather primitive device that did not have high security. It was very hot and was considered one of the most powerful household electrical appliances. Since then, this equipment has been improved and became more comfortable to use. Thanks to electric stoves, we can cook delicious dishes that easily conquer the hearts of demanding gourmets.
The rival of the electric cooker was the induction hob. This technique looks very stylis ..