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Morozylnыe chests: How to buy and do not zhalet at sdelannom сhoice

Morozylnыe chests: How to buy and do not zhalet at sdelannom сhoice
So, you buy your enterprise Refrigeration equipment and tochnee, morozylnыy chest. As Vы think something on Wikipedia at Nuzhny Select Choice эtoho unit? Well, of course! Pokupaya Business look upon such installation in both. Therefore, Avto Vы prevented errors in the data actually, We podhotovyly эtu article.
Read, vnymayte and shakes on mustache!
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Morozylnыe chests - is equipment, kotoroe prednaznacheno for dlytelnoho DIFFERENT storage or demonstration products. THEY javljajutsja pryvыchnoy detalyu of any trade or establishments of public catering. Usually, Data rabotayut installation in temperature conditions from -24 to -9 ° C. But, suschestvuyut Such nyzkotemperaturnыe chests, kotoryya "morozyat not in a childish" (to -43ºS). Funktsyonalnost, ease of operation and mobylnost - vesomыe dignity of the given equipment.
Morozylnыe chests ymeyut Horizontal type of performance. THEY osnaschenы hluhoy or steklyannoy krыshkoy. Important, something morozylnыe installation co steklyannoy krыshkoy (hnutoy or Direct) yspolzuyutsya predprodazhnoy for presentation of the goods. Thus, If you neobhodimo not only hranyt produkty, but sold and s, the chests with prozrachnoy krыshkoy - is, How hovorytsya "then the doctor prescribed something."

Who said something size value, no blog?

How else ymeet ...
When Vы pokupaete morozylnыy chest, then horoshenechko consider Enough Do emu place. Sacrifices, brother of equipment "on vыrost" is not worth it. If you nemnoho of products, the kompaktnoy Refrigeration installation you will be predostatochno.
Morozylnыy chest dolzhen bыt loaded although bы half, Business Avto not wasted.

Cold, very cold or uzhas, how cold!

Well something, they perceived poydet speech about something? Right ... Temperaturnыy mode - is the figure tot, kotoryya It should not issue IZ species.
In dependence from temperature regime morozylnыe chests delyatsya on sleduyuschye Types:
  • nyzkotemperaturnыe;
  • srednetemperaturnыe;
  • high-temperature.
Nyzkotemperaturnыe morozylnыe chests (from -18 º to -43S) prednaznachenы dlytelnoho for storage of products nekotorыh Power.
Sacrifices, If You Need a Function Quick-frozen, then vыbyrayte Such installation in a working temperature kotorыh kamerы opuskaetsya below -24 ° C.
Srednetemperaturnыe chests (from -9 to -24 ° C) podoydut for demonstration and storage of food.
High-temperature Assemblies rabotayut in temperature control from 0 to - 9ºS. THEY, How and srednetemperaturnыe, Submissions may be used for storage and presentation products. Although, no ... Such presentations for installation podhodyat more.
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Klymat class

What klymatycheskyy class of such equipment? Answer dovolno easy. This tot the figure, kotoryya ukazыvaet us with some kind of a temperature environment okruzhayuschey Can it works or ynoe device. Also, the calculation sleduet brother and air humidity. Naturally, any morozylnыy chest can be эkspluatyrovat at + 40ºS, however muchenye This prodlytsya no debt.
Morozylnыe chests (klymatycheskyy class 4) rabotayut okruzhayuschey environment at temperature 30 ° C and air humidity of 65%.
Morozylnыe chests (klymatycheskyy class 4+) rabotayut air at temperature + 35 º C and humidity 70% otnosytelnoy.
morozilnui larMorozylnыe chests (klymatycheskyy class 5) rabotayut at + 40ºS and humidity 55%.

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Krыshky morozylnыh chests vыpolnenы IZ metal or glass. Other metal krыshky (hluhye) Bole nadezhnыe. THEY yzhotovlenы IZ vыsokokachestvennoy stainless steel. Equipment with such "top" worth it cheaper. Ono podoydet to storage and stocks in podsobnыh skladskyh the premises.
Morozylnыe chests co steklyannыmy krыshkamy (pryamыmy Liboje yzohnutыmy) prednaznachenы not only for storage of goods, but a demonstration for s. THEY obespechyvayut maksymalnыy overview of products. Steklyannыe razdvyzhnыe krыshky pozvoljajut buyer osuschestvlyat samoobsluzhyvanye.

                                                          Summing outcome 

Actually say in the election of the freezer larya obraschayte Wikipedia on it for purposes kakyh Vы will Require Data unit. Following our council, and dare obzavodytes holodylnыm better equipment.
 Remember always vыbyrayuschyy rights and somnevayuschyysya - always in losses.
So something not somnevaytes - vыbyrayte!
Specialists of the enterprise "Olehyya" pomohut you podobrat samыy optymalnыy option. We znaem, dolzhen Business As your business. Our equipment - is key to success Vasheho!
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