Technology UNOX: we cook delicious and simple!
Currently cooking various culinary masterpieces has become such a simple task that even a novice cook can easily cook up a delicious dish. Thanks to modern kitchen equipment and, of course, the skillful hands of the cook, we are able to taste the true goodies that instantly hit our taste buds. Therefore, most public catering establishments have such important professional equipment as steam-ovens, ovens, convection ovens and the like. But, let's not go far from the topic ... Today we will talk with you about the technologies used in kitchen equipment of UNOX brand. So, take a comfortable position and carefully study the following information!

Degrees under the control of Spido.GAS ™
Perhaps, we will start from the technology Spido.GAS ™ - precise temperature control inside the working chamber of gas stoves of this brand.
Well, what to say, this is an important and quite useful function. It allows to distribute evenly the flow of hot air in the working space of the furnace. The system accurately monitors the temperature and does not allow them to fall or rise above the specified value. Data on energy consumption and operating temperature are displayed on the furnace display. Consequently, the user easily monitors all the necessary indicators and corrects them as needed.
Well, what to say, this is an important and quite useful function. It allows to distribute evenly the flow of hot air in the working space of the furnace. The system accurately monitors the temperature and does not allow them to fall or rise above the specified value. Data on energy consumption and operating temperature are displayed on the furnace display. Consequently, the user easily monitors all the necessary indicators and corrects them as needed.
Technology MIND.Maps ™ or draw - we will eat!
The essence of this technology is that the cook can create an accurate graphic drawing of the cooking process. Using the MASTER.Touch ™ pencil, you draw the stages of the cooking of a dish, and also specify the temperature, humidity and speed of the convention, and then save the data in a special program CURVES. A few simple gestures, united in certain lines and, voila, the UNOX oven started cooking your dish.
There is nothing complicated, a couple of movements of the hand on the display and meat "in a royal way" is baked in the oven. Believe me, it will not overdo or burn. Everything is controlled by the visual language technology MIND.Maps ™. Therefore, you, like a real artist, paint a canvas, which in the end will become an appetizing and tasty dish.
There is nothing complicated, a couple of movements of the hand on the display and meat "in a royal way" is baked in the oven. Believe me, it will not overdo or burn. Everything is controlled by the visual language technology MIND.Maps ™. Therefore, you, like a real artist, paint a canvas, which in the end will become an appetizing and tasty dish.

UNOX.Care - automatic oven cleaning system
We agree that cooking is the main function of furnaces, ovens and other thermal equipment of this brand. But, for any technique you need care, which steals a lot of time and money. Consequently, the producers of professional kitchen equipment UNOX decided to significantly simplify our lives. They created a system of technologies, like UNOX.Care. It allows you to reduce the cost of cleaning equipment and maximize the automation of this process. Thanks to special AUTO.Pure filters, water is descaled and UNOX.PURE-RO technology guarantees perfect demineralization of water: it eliminates the high content of chlorine and other corrosive substances. Also, many important tasks for cleaning the inner chamber of the furnace fall on the shoulders of the Rotor.KLEAN ™ system, which performs automatic cleaning of equipment. Believe me, she copes with her duties for the entire 200%. Therefore, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort to clean the oven. For you everything will do UNOX.Care - guarantee of perfect hygiene and cleanliness!

STEAM.Plus - with a light steam!
This technology provides instant humidification of the working chamber. Due to powerful fans that rotate at high speed, water is injected and steam is generated. STEAM.Plus is typical for the thermal equipment series ChefLux, BakerLux, as well as, LineMiss and Micro.
The optimum steam humidification system of the inner chamber significantly reduces cooking time, improves heat transfer and prevents overdrying of the product. It gives the opportunity to form the structure of bakery products as high as possible and give them a ruddy crust. Food that succumbs to such a steam retains unsurpassed taste and looks appetizing!
The optimum steam humidification system of the inner chamber significantly reduces cooking time, improves heat transfer and prevents overdrying of the product. It gives the opportunity to form the structure of bakery products as high as possible and give them a ruddy crust. Food that succumbs to such a steam retains unsurpassed taste and looks appetizing!
AIR.Plus and AIR.Maxi ™ - technologies for controlling hot air flows inside the furnace chamber
In order for the food to be baked evenly, it is necessary to correctly adjust the direction and force of air flows inside the chamber. To do this, there are such important technologies as, AIR.Plus and its advanced version of AIR.Maxi. Their essence lies in the fact that these programs regulate the speed of fans with reverse movement, which provide an ideal cooking at all levels.
AIR.Plus and AIR.Maxi technologies will help the cook create the most delicate and delicate treats that require scrupulous treatment, as well as popular dishes, which require intensive heat treatment for cooking.
AIR.Plus and AIR.Maxi technologies will help the cook create the most delicate and delicate treats that require scrupulous treatment, as well as popular dishes, which require intensive heat treatment for cooking.

The result
As you can see, the manufacturer of UNOX brand equipment took care of its customers. He maximally optimized all stages of cooking and simplified the participation of the chef. Innovative technologies UNOX allow to achieve the best results in preparation even the most complex dishes. So, the owners kitchen units of this brand will not be lost. They will receive reliable and functional equipment that will take any catering establishment to a new level. It is also important that on the pages of the ZTO "Olegia" you will find the best models of thermal equipment TM UNOX and not only. We have a lot of options for completing your catering. Address to the specialists of the company "Olegia" - they will be happy to pick up the perfect technique for you at the best price!