Customers, money and pancakes...
In our country there are full fast-food outlets that sell nourishing and tasty, but not useful food. We are happy to buy this yummy, and then complain about the poor state of health and extra pounds at the waist. But what about healthy food ?! You will say: "No!". On the one hand, you are right, because we do not have so many public catering facilities where you could eat without harm to your own organism. But, everything can be changed ... And we will start it right now!
Proceeding from the above, it would be nice to think about such a business as pancake. Yes Yes. It is the pancakes that can bring you a frankly large income. This institution is sure to appeal to demanding customers who want to eat deliciously and do not spoil their health. Believe me, homemade pancakes with a variety of fillings - this is a popular, as well as, demanded dishes always and everywhere. Their taste resembles a carefree and mischievous childhood, a time when we were well. Therefore, many people will want to come to such a place, relax from the heart and feast on your favorite pancakes. So, do not miss the chance: try to open your own pancake. The main thing is to go right to the process of organizing this business. Take your time, carefully study the services market and determine the profitability of the business. Find out the level of competition in your region. Weigh all the pros and cons, and then go on to work ... Dear friends, we will tell you what and how to do. Just read carefully, remember and shake your head. So, let's get started!

Location and facilities
From the location of the institution depends on his profit. Yes, the more people pass by the pancake, the more chances that one of them will want to come to you and have a snack. Therefore, the best options are the crowded places: parks, squares, areas near shopping centers or schools. Of course, the sleeping area of the city, too, should not be discarded. After all, pancake is, so to speak, a family institution, where parents and children go. Therefore, you can open the pancake house in such a place.
As for the premises, you buy it or rent it. It all depends on what your budget is. You have a good initial capital - you can afford to purchase a spacious room in a good area of the city. Do not have - rent the most optimal option.
Law and order
When you are done with the premises, do not forget to register with the local government and tax authorities. Type of registration: Individual entrepreneur (entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). By the way, IP registration is more simple and less expensive.
Then, take the trouble to get permission from the sanitary and fire department. You can not do without them.
Also on your hands you must have all the documents for the equipment and trade certificates. Remember, the "lawful" your activity, the less you have problems.

Equipment for pancake
Selection of equipment for pancakes is the most important and costly part of organizing your business. It is extremely undesirable to save at this stage. Believe me, no cook can cook delicious food on a bad stove or in a useless oven. So, think before you buy this or that technique. Choose products of proven manufacturers. Remember that in the domestic market you can find good appliances, furniture and kitchen utensils.

On the pages of the site ZTO "Olegia" you easily select functional, high-quality and durable equipment at the best prices.
To complete the pancake you will need:
- refrigeration and freezing equipment for food storage (chest, refrigerator or camera);
- pancakes for baking pancakes (several pieces);
- dough kneader for kneading pancakes batter;
- blender for grinding fillings;
- kitchen stove;
- coffee maker;
- dishwasher;
- kitchen sink and tables;
- microwave oven for heating up the finished product or rapid defrosting of food raw materials;
- display for storing ready-made pancakes;
- kitchen utensils for cooking pancakes and fillings;
- tableware and cutlery for customers;
- furniture and decor for the hall.
This list may be reduced or supplemented depending on the needs of the pancake and your budget.

Staff - this is an important component of the success of any institution. His well-coordinated work will bring good results.
The most responsible and scrupulous are the selection of people for the position of chef, assistant chef, waiters, administrator, dishwasher and cleaner. Also do not forget that you will need an accountant (he will help in the management of money matters).
The number of staff directly depends on the scale of the pancake. If you are planning to open a small institution, it will be enough to have one chief cook, two assistants, 3-4 waiters, an administrator, one cleaner and a dishwasher.
Advice: As a chef, invite someone with experience and positive feedback. Watch out for the waiters to be neat, attentive and able to find a common language with visitors.

Based on the name of the institution you already understand that the menu is based on pancakes. Good, variations of this delicacy abound. So, you can easily pick up several variants of pancakes with sweet stuffing (cottage cheese, apples, chocolate, condensed milk, caramel, exotic fruits, etc.), and also, from salted filling (mushrooms, chicken, tomatoes, cheese, caviar and etc.). The main thing is that your dishes are delicious, tasty and affordable.
Except pancakes, without fail, add to the menu such drinks as: tea, compote of dried fruits, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, juice, mineral water and cola. On this product you can earn no less than on the main dish.
Except pancakes, without fail, add to the menu such drinks as: tea, compote of dried fruits, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, juice, mineral water and cola. On this product you can earn no less than on the main dish.
That you had clients - advertise your own pancake. Talk about it, untwist it! Do not be stingy, because thanks to a successful marketing move, you can attract a lot of visitors. Promote ads around the city, engage "word of mouth" and the media, and in particular, the Internet. Do everything so that your pancake was in sight and hearing us.

Well, we've opened all the cards to you. Now you know what you need to do in order to establish your "pancake business." Be careful and think about each step. Follow our recommendations and develop your own offspring. Remember that for the success of your establishment or outlet, you need quality and reliable equipment. Specialists of ZTO "Olegiya" will be happy to choose the best options for you. We have everything you've been looking for: functional equipment, affordable price and impeccable service!